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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Ultimate Power

Heavily debatable and controversial as it is, is if one would be to choose absolute immortality above all else. Many would believe this power to be overall undesirable as there would be a point in most's life where they would not wish to live further. Though this is different for me, I accept the fact that at a point in my life I would regret this curse but the desire to live and experience the technological growth of human kind and beyond is enticing to my very bones. Overall this would turn further into a curse then a beneficial power of sorts; this is an acceptable fate for me as the burning desire for knowledge is great. Though many other powers would allow the creation of ideas past human imagination and intelligence, even the ability to live in different times: past, future. Though none would allow for experience of all present and future; not only would this power allow for the advancement of human technology but possibly prevent further mistakes caused by ignorance of the past mistakes. The permanent existence of me would prove to be anything but disadvantageous to human kind. Though with that thought would I grow to regret it or would people grow jealous of the curse as it envelopes me further; overpowered by the desire to watch the human race advance into the space age and beyond. I wish to be part of the growth until the end and be witness to it.


  1. Wow! I was just going about my merry way, an I saw ur bloggy thing, so I all popped in to read what you wrote (First comment! Woot) MAN! you are a good writeer Dallas, I know they said not to say this, bt great diction. The first sentence makes no sense though. It all gives a really intellegent feel to it, which is great because one would recieve great amounts of knowledge from living forever. IT fits well, just read your opening sentence again, k?

  2. Thanks for the comment, I think I managed to fixed it. Though never got around to really proof reading it but thank you for pointing out the error, it really helped.

    Not to sure if my ending was to premature.
