Dallas Rowe
124 Fake Place
Sportstown, British Columbia
Canada V2A 1Q9
Mr. Kleats
Central High School
123 Main Street Sportstown, British Columbia
Canada V2A 1W3
Dear Mr. Kleats:
I have attended a number of my daughters, Daisy's athletic practices, and I have some concerns that I wish to make sure that you are aware of. As a father, I feel it my duty to give you feedback, so that your coaching ability is able reach its full potential.
During some of the practices I have attended, I frequently noticed the children are left unsupervised at the allotted start time. I would recommend that the children would receive beneficial results if you were able to provide coaching supervision throughout the practices. I also noticed that some of the children seem to be disorganized with skill development.
It is also noticeable that several of the children aren't given a equal amount of time on the field in comparison to others. I feel that this inequality is affecting their overall attitude on or off the field; which can be addressed by changing up the player rotations more often with the intent of making the game fun for all of the players not just a predetermined hand full. This would prove constructive to all of the players attitudes and more helpful in building teamwork among the players.
Sometimes Daisy does not seem to be having fun at her games as there is a large burden placed on her shoulders to win rather then trying to enjoy herself and play to her ability; I think you may be surprised how well children are capable of playing without being overly encouraged and allowing them to use their own abilities and skills to their advantage. There has also been an increased emphasis on overly encouraging the players to win rather then allowing them to perform without the pressure that is being currently placed on them.
Lastly it was discernible that a large amount of vulgar language is used while coaching the players, and I don't feel that there is a lot of positive reinforcement behind it that will help the players win games or work together efficiently.
I appreciate your time to read my concerns, I feel it is possible with a lot less effort than you may think our team can be made champions. I am sure that with any these changes in your coaching strategies there will be advantageous outcomes for all involved.
Sincerely, Dallas Rowe